This an interesting issue (also adressed by Ton). In a world where things are getting more and more digital and computerised, it is becoming increasingly hard to judge what’s real and what’s not. Watching James Bond doing some amazing stuff and you know that it’s not real; but you can hardly see it. Good tools are nowadays available not ony to the pro’s, but to everyone. So who’s the pro?
This question has lead to a very interesting case: Charly Morgan, hobbyist photographer with good imaging skills, made pictures that his mom took to a printing lab. But the photo technicians refused to print them. They said that since the shots seemed to have been taken by a professional, printing the pictures might be a copyright violation. (read the Yahoo news article)

Wonder if this will turn out to be an incident. I’m not too worried it will happen to me, though 😉

Categorieën: _Blogger-oud

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