People that I see regularly know that I always have my BlackBerry around. (Actually, most of them carry one too.) On the other hand, I meet quite a lot of people that never have seen one before or even worse, don’t even know what it is! “Is that thing handy?” they ask, to get the answer “never leave home without it” or a similar phrase.

I have missed some important news about RIM’s magical machine: the Blackberry is now world’s most sold pda! According to Gartner, Blackberry shipments have grown over 75% the first quarter of 2005. Research In Motion now has a market share of over 20%. Worldwide PDA shipments totaled 3.4 million units in this years Q1, making it the strongest first quarter the industry has ever experienced. Wireless email applications seem to drive this development. Read the details in the Gartner press release.


Categorieën: _Blogger-oud

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